We invest in deep relationships
We serve families desiring to break free of generational poverty and find hope in their future.
We do this through targeted programs designed to provide education, vocational skills, spiritual development, and leadership training. We believe resources can change circumstances but it is through relationships that true life change takes place.
Check out the impact we are creating thanks to generous supporters like you!
ER’s 2023 Annual Report takes you on a journey that celebrates impact. It shares a few staff highlights, but focuses primarily on how lives are being changed today for for eternity through a partnership among ER, volunteers, donors and the people we serve. Check out the three-generation impact that Maria, Jackie and Sophia (privacy name) are experiencing.
Click here to open the
2023 ER Annual Report and be encouraged!
The 2022 Annual Report celebrates ER’s best year yet. It looks at the problem of poverty and how, together, we help solve it. It celebrates our purpose, donor generosity, volunteer service, empowered communities, program successes and changed lives on three continents.
Click here to open the
2022 ER Annual Report and be inspired!
One in ten people in developing regions lives on less than $2.15 (U.S.) a day – the internationally agreed poverty line, and millions of others live on slightly more than this daily amount. These people find themselves in “extreme situations” every day.
Click here to open the
ER Case for Impact brochure.